简介:“All You Can Eat随便吃!”餐厅正在席卷牛津高街!在这里,有无限量的食物等着你,而且,只需要支付一个固定的价格,食客们就可以随意食用啦,想吃多少尽管吃,不!限!量!本片由约翰尼·维加斯旁白,记录了一些非凡的食客,他们能够一口气吃下四天所需的卡路里,还有那些精明的餐厅老板们,他们知道为人所知的每一个快速填满我们肚子的技巧。欢迎来到“随便吃”的世界——这种时尚饮食真的让英国人欲罢不能!
简介:Gordon Ramsay Is One Of The World's Most Celebrated Chefs, With Two Distinct Sides To His Cooking. In His Restaurants He's Known For Serving Stunningly Intricate Dishes, While At Home His Food Is Just As Delicious But Simpler, Faster And Easier To Make. Now In This Practical Home Cookery Series He Teaches Viewers How To Cook Amazing Food Every Day, For Breakfast, Lunch And Dinn...
简介:In an ambitious, ground-breaking approach to drama and history, historian Lucy Worsley time travels back to the Tudor Court to witness some of the most dramatic moments in the lives of Henry VIII’s Six Wives. Combining drama written by Chloe Moss with Lucy’s own contemporary historical comment, Lucy will move seamlessly from the present to the past, appearing as a range of sile...
简介:Horizon explores the secrets of what makes a long, healthy and happy life. It turns out that a time you can't remember - the nine months you spend in the womb - could have more lasting effects on you today than your lifestyle or genes. It is one of the most powerful and provocative new ideas in human science, and it was pioneered by a British scientist, Professor David Barker. ...
简介:菲尔·哈里斯船长 (Capt. Phil Harris) 在白令海 (the Bering Sea) 的最后一季的10周年纪念日即将到来,乔什·哈里斯 ( Josh Harris) 进行了一次个人旅程,重新发现使他父亲成为传奇的原因,并接受他作为菲尔的儿子和科内莉亚·玛丽号 (the F/V Cornelia Marie) 的副船长所继承的遗产。
DEADLIEST CATCH: BLOODLINE is produced for Discovery Channel by Fremantle’s Original Productions. For Original Productions Brian Lovett(布莱恩·洛维特), Jeff Hasler(杰夫·哈斯勒), Ernie Avila, Peta Peterson and Arom St...
简介:In this new episode of CYCLE AROUND JAPAN, we will take you to a place where you will not find major guide books of Japan. It is 1,300 km away from Tokyo.
Amami-Oshima is an island situated in the sea between Kyushu and Okinawa. The sea around the islands, designated as the National Park, is blessed with transparent waters, bright colored coral reefs and tropical fish, and is k...
简介:时隔七年,贝爷再次出道,全新《Man vs Wild》特别篇上线!在《荒野求生》系列节目中,野外探险专家贝尔置身于极为恶劣的自然环境,展现了非凡的求生技巧。在印度特辑中,贝爷首次登陆印度开启冒险之旅,搭档印度总理莫迪,来到了印度科比特国家公园,在湿冷的喜马拉雅山脚下,一起深入险境,探索孟加拉虎栖息地,穿越冰冷湍急的河流,探讨人与自然的共处之道。在此之前,莫迪荣获了联合国地球卫士奖,节目中也看到莫迪对于自然的敬畏与保护。
简介:在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中,史蒂芬·罗杰斯(美队)将盾牌以及美国队长的衣钵和使命传承给“猎鹰”山姆·威尔逊,山姆联合“冬日战士”巴基·巴恩斯展开全球冒险,合力对付无政府主义组织旗帜粉碎者。本季将探索新美队接班人,33号特工,妇联二索科维亚和美队三中泽莫男爵带紫色头套回归。 《猎鹰与冬日战士》(The Falcon and the Winter Soldier)是一部美国剧情超级英雄类型的网络剧集,改编自漫威漫画的角色“猎鹰”山姆·威尔逊和“冬日战士”巴基·巴恩斯。剧集为漫威电影宇宙的系列作品之一,与漫威电影宇宙系列电影处于同一架空世界和共同世界,由漫威影业制作,预定于线上串流媒体平台迪士尼 2021年3月19日首播,共6集,每集时长为40–50分钟,每集预算达到2500万美元和《旺达幻视成本一样》,属于漫威电影宇宙第四阶段。