简介:Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight, in which he took the rap for Sang crimes, Pororo feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its police force which is struggling to cope with Spectra plans to destroy the city.
主演:罗文熙 Mun-hee Na 姜成珍 Seong-jin Kang 刘海镇 Hye-jin Yu
导演:金相辰 Sang-Jin Kim
简介:全顺粉女士(罗文熙 Mun-hee Na 饰)是个紧跟潮流,思想前卫的老顽童,凭着一手好厨艺和热情好客的态度吸引着远近的顾客来自己的店里品尝美味。源源不断慕名而来的客人和多年积累的好口碑让全老太的店里创造着巨大的营业额。与此同时,为了短时间内得到两千万保释费,有三名青年盯上了这个身价不菲的老太太。岂料老练的全顺粉女士识破了三人的绑架计划,对三人进行一番整蛊和教育使其痛改前非后,全老太反而暗自决定玩一次假装被绑架的刺激游戏来改变目前乏味的生活,引起儿女对自己的关心。三个年轻人全然被口齿伶俐的老太劝服,在老太太的指挥下开始了一场和警察斗智斗勇的逃亡之旅,夸张的镜头和戏剧的剧情让故事笑料不断,惊险刺激…
简介:A one-time rising soccer star Jun-il is now only a temporary coach at a youth soccer center. He is too hot-tempered and lazy to teach young children respectfully and is about to lose his job. After receiving an offer to become a coach of three untalented players for a new futsal team, FC Cheolsu, he reluctantly agrees. If he succeeds in making the team a finalist of the Sunday ...