In a violent world, a peace-loving man is forced on a desperate journey to find life-saving drugs for his wife but to get them he must first help an ornery old man defend his cabin against nefarious forces.
吴文璟 李恰 王辉 邓凯匀
张博豪 莫美林 鲍丹
狂野时速8(港) 玩命关头8(台) 速激8 速8 速度8 The Fast and the Furious 8 Fast & Furious 8 Fast Eight Furious Eight Furious 8 Fast 8
姚刚 栾元晖 刘帅良 孙爽 曾肖龙 田洺赫 王英麟 赵崇仁 张成龙 韩记伟 仇琳 栾佳琪
碟中谍5 职业特工队:叛逆帝国(港) 不可能的任务:失控国度(台) 碟中谍:失控国度 Mission: Impossible 5 M:i 5
樊少皇 释彦能 李智 程砚秋 白红标 王心嫚